Saturday, November 21, 2009

She's Asleep! Should I knit or do the dishes?

Neither! I'm going to blog about the AWESOME pot holders I made for Andrew. You see every man needs his own pair of pot holders when he spends so much time in the kitchen cooking up the amazing meals that Andrew has been cooking up since Juniper's birth. Before she was born he rarely cooked. I was mistress and master of the flames, happy to feed all. Let me just say that I am so glad to be taking a cooking break. I was in a rut, making the same things, over-cooking the greens, the broccoli and other things that you don't want over cooked. Andrew would say, "That's ok I like things a little burnt" when I would singe the corn tortillas, burn the rice, char the whatever. He on the other hand has really gotten better. Really. His greens are done perfectly every time, he is looking up recipes and cooking delicious, healthy food every day we are upstate (Brooklyn has delivery!). He deserves some new pot holders!!!

May I present to you... dun dun daaaa...pot holders for men.

Yes that's right. These have be re-purposed from some beat to hell Carhart work pants that he was throwing out. I thought, hmmmm I could just stuff the pockets with some more fabric and then stitch the opening together and voila! Couldn't have been easier. Even with a four month old who rarely lets me sew as much as I want. Anyway, I'm darn proud!

This is what Juni has been up to lately. I call them the three R's




That's my girl! These shots are of her first time holding and shaking the beautiful wooden rattle that our friend Tara gave her. It's the first thing that she's brought to her mouth to deliberately chew besides her hands.

How amazing it is to see little humans grow?

Unbelievably amazing!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Rest in Peace Sammy Boy

Today we buried our friend Sam underneath a redbud tree. Andrew planted a bleeding heart atop him as well because Sam was such a bleeding heart. Such a softy and a mooch. So ready to climb in your lap and have you pet him till he bit you and then insist that you pet him some more. That was Sam.

Last Sunday he died. We are so saddened by this loss. He was such a handsome guy who's greatest wish was to simply sit in your lap and touch your nose with his. Sam was a stray off the streets of Southside Williamsburg complete with missing finger, disfigured paw, notched ear, irritable bowels and fragile paw pads. He came into our lives in the summer of 2007 when Andrew came to live with me in Brooklyn. Days and nights would find him at the door waiting for us to sit at the benches in the garden in front of the apartment. He loved to be around people and despite his furtive nature would let us pet him. We managed to lure him indoors with catnip just as the weather started to take a turn. He and our other cat Max had watched each other through the store front glass for months and he had already met Bean. We knew that we were moving soon too and wanted to make sure that he came with us to our new place.

We called him outdoor kitty but upon joining the family gave him the name Samuel "Sammy" Clemens. He was also known as "Chubs", "Sammy Boy", "Saminator","Fatty","Indoor Kitty" but mostly just plain ol' Sam.

We brought he and Max upstate for the first time this last summer as we got ready for Juniper's birth.

He really loved being outside and was such an excellent mouser leaving his kill by our side door. Andrew and I loved seeing him outside roaming around and hanging out in cozy kitty spots. When we would walk through the yard checking on our garden Sam would bound along side with his tail huge and fluffy, so obviously full of fresh air and country living. Seeing him so happy made me so happy knowing where he had come from and how hard his life had been.

He got into a fight with what we think was another cat. It was pitch black out so we couldn't tell. He laid low for a few days and then seemed to get better and then got worse. We were going to take him to the vet the next day but he died before we could. He came into my room where I was trying to nurse June who was fussy and gassy. I heard him walk in, as he was never very light on his feet, and he laid down. His breath was labored and I tried to give him some water with a dropper like I had the night before. I took him into the bathroom and when I gave him some water he let out two screams that only can be described as horrific. I have never heard a cat make such a sound. Andrew came into the bathroom and Sam screamed twice more and then took his last breath. I started sobbing and sobbing so stunned and saddened at his sudden death.
We put him in the freezer so that we could bury him at our home upstate.

We miss you beautiful Sammy! We are so glad that you came into our lives. Thank you for choosing us! We are so sad that it had to end so soon.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Feliz Dia De Los Muertos!

When thinking about holidays and traditions that I would like to celebrate with Juniper and Andrew, Dia De Los Muertos definitely makes the cut. I like the whole holiday and everything that goes with it from the sugar skulls to the altars for deceased loved ones and friends. I think it's important to remember those who aren't with us anymore and the Mexican tradition of sharing stories and especially cooking and eating the favorite foods of our deceased loved ones brings such a tangible and three dimensional aspect to remembering those that we've loved and lost. Sure our loved ones who have passed on are never far from our thoughts, but to celebrate them and share stories over food with other friends and family is even better!

You know what else I like about it? I like the macabre aspect. Mexicans don't hold much back when it comes to the realities of life and death and the sugar skulls and bones made of bread illustrate this. They remind me that while it is to death that we all ultimately turn, right now we should eat, drink and share in our history that is entwined inextricably with our ancestors and each other. I wish we would have celebrated this holiday when I was a kid. I wouldn't now be prodding my mom into writing her memoirs complete with addendums for all of the other relatives that she tells stories about. It's always been one of my favorite things that she has shared with me. I have always loved hearing her stories and as a little girl I remember saying, "Mom tell me stories about when you were a little girl!" I guess I'm glad that I'm prodding my mom still for stories!

Halloween shares some of the same traditions as Dia De Los Muertos in that historically ancestors were honored, but you wouldn't really know it based on how the holiday is celebrated now.

That's ok! We'll celebrate both!

Right little Gnome?

Beam of sunshine gnome...

Reggae fist pound gnome...

Mom and baby gnome...

I made June's gnome costume from a bunch of Andrew's old clothes and a red sweatshirt that my friend Leslie used as packing material for a gift that she sent. I had a blast making her outfit and made a beard out of sheep wool that wound up not working in the end as the hairs were getting in her mouth, nose, eyes...If I had given it much thought I would have made her a bib in the shape of a beard and called it a day. She's drooling a lot now and could have used it. If I would have had any brain I would have dressed up as a mushroom. Don't little baby gnomes like to sit atop a mushroom? I think so.

Oh! We went to our new family doctor today over in Rosendale which is about 40 minutes away from where we live upstate. It was a beautiful day for a drive (even though I somehow only got 4 hours sleep) and we all really like our doctor! He was very respectful and had a very calming presence. He didn't balk when we said that we didn't want to vaccinate or that we co-sleep. Quite the inverse actually. Phew! You never know how the medical establishment will react to the way that you've chosen to raise your child. I prefer to not have to defend my instincts! Even Andrew liked him. We are pleasantly surprised and relieved.

Juniper weighed in at 14 pounds and is 24 1/2 inches long. Yay!

Here she is...chunk of nugget...

Juni Bear...

This photo above makes me laugh! It's as if she's some Brooklyn tough who's gonna rough you up!

"I'll tear ya limb from limb! I'll rub ya eyes out with my thumb!"

So unbelievably cute!

Here are a few more of her "working out" at her handmade baby gym.

She looks a little sleepy here huh?

No no! Totally awake!

Everyday I give thanks for the amazingly healthy, beautiful, sweeter than sweet baby that is my sweeter than sweet daughter.

I like to say daughter. mmmmm