Saturday, November 21, 2009

She's Asleep! Should I knit or do the dishes?

Neither! I'm going to blog about the AWESOME pot holders I made for Andrew. You see every man needs his own pair of pot holders when he spends so much time in the kitchen cooking up the amazing meals that Andrew has been cooking up since Juniper's birth. Before she was born he rarely cooked. I was mistress and master of the flames, happy to feed all. Let me just say that I am so glad to be taking a cooking break. I was in a rut, making the same things, over-cooking the greens, the broccoli and other things that you don't want over cooked. Andrew would say, "That's ok I like things a little burnt" when I would singe the corn tortillas, burn the rice, char the whatever. He on the other hand has really gotten better. Really. His greens are done perfectly every time, he is looking up recipes and cooking delicious, healthy food every day we are upstate (Brooklyn has delivery!). He deserves some new pot holders!!!

May I present to you... dun dun daaaa...pot holders for men.

Yes that's right. These have be re-purposed from some beat to hell Carhart work pants that he was throwing out. I thought, hmmmm I could just stuff the pockets with some more fabric and then stitch the opening together and voila! Couldn't have been easier. Even with a four month old who rarely lets me sew as much as I want. Anyway, I'm darn proud!

This is what Juni has been up to lately. I call them the three R's




That's my girl! These shots are of her first time holding and shaking the beautiful wooden rattle that our friend Tara gave her. It's the first thing that she's brought to her mouth to deliberately chew besides her hands.

How amazing it is to see little humans grow?

Unbelievably amazing!


1 comment:

  1. What I love about babies is that when you see them make silly faces, that will be the same face they will make when they are in there 80's. Or 100. Who knows. Anyway I love those pot holders. Great idea.
