Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy 11 Months on Earth Juni-June!


What a lot of catching up we have to do. Let's get right to it shall we?
(You know, as I type this, there is an incredibly deliciously cute babe peering around my computer screen and chewing on the cord.)

She'a a big girl! She loves to stand on the couch and look out the living room window. She'll laugh and laugh and bounce and get really rowdy.

This was taken at our apartment in Brooklyn. I think she's pushing a banana around. Such a happy girl and becoming a big eater too! She is really into yogurt and cooked apples with butter lately. Fish and pastured pork are high up on her list as well. WE have started giving her some of our morning oatmeal and she relishs her daddy's sourdough pancakes that we load with fresh butter.

Uncle Carter and Aunt Jane got her this little outfit for Christmas and it finally fits her. She's really getting around and can crawl lightening fast if she is trying to get to something. Today she was out front (in Ellenville) on our stone porch and was walking on her hands and feet not letting her knees touch the ground because it was too rough. Pretty cute!

This has got to be one of my favorite photos of her. Sometimes I look at her face and see what she is going to look like as a grown woman. It's an incredible sensation.

I had to put my flurfy socks on her to really tie this whole outfit together.
HOW CUTE IS THIS BABY???? This day she was helping me with the laundry. Notice the items strewn around. Big helper!

So proud, right? Such confidence! We spent this day up in the fields planting currants and beans and she had a blast playing in all the mud and eating dirt, rocks, roots...At the end of it all she was deliciously muddy and so satisfied.

Beautiful moment.

Daddy and June by our stream.

Summer means naked baby. She spends a good deal of time naked and uses the potty out doors. It's pretty convenient to be able to pee anywhere outside! She is standing in front of a big pot of lamb's quarters that she liked to graze upon. I'ts been replanted now with collards which is another favorite of hers.

This was one of the first photos of her figuring out how to open the pantry door. She had fun pulling everything that she could reach out of there! We generally let her explore and make sure that she is safe and can't hurt herself or damage anything useful. It's easier than worrying and saying NO all the time.

What a fun Memorial Day weekend this was! It included art installations at our friends farm, a bikini car wash, and "church" at the Church of the Little Green Man. This is how we do it up in the country! Erin Dudley is in the photo holding June and she performed in the church services with two other butoh dancers. She is a stunning performer.

Sunny June!

Devil June! I played drums in the Church of the Little Green Man church service. Our band is called the Band of All Faiths. We were to dress as different religions and so I dressed June up as a devil and went as a Satanist.

Here we are in church! I wore June on my back almost the entire time while I played the drums. I've always wanted to raise a child this way and I feel so blessed that I am able, willing and ready to do this. What a little peach! She has excellent rhythm by the way. She really has fun playing the drums and is very coordinated at holding drum sticks. I never knew that at 10 months old a baby would be able to do this. Now I know...a lot of things!

How's that for catching up?


1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHH - naked baby - pancake eatin - thrive - cute cute cute confident - I love this catch up of images and text -- ohhh my goodness --- feel the home through the screen --- good job 11 month old !!!!
