Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Like sand through the hourglass...

...so are the days of our lives."

That's EXACTLY why we video our babies and then post them to our blogs! Ach how they grow and grow! And just when you think that you've memorized their repertoire of coos and gestures they throw a bunch of new material into the mix causing you to replace previously memorized material with the new influx. Such is the plight of soft, fleshy brains.

Without further ado, I bring you Juniper Amie in a series of videos ranging from when she was 5 days old through 6 weeks old.

Pardon the parents.

Pretty amazing how big she got in those 6 weeks! I look at those old videos and think that I didn't look at her enough or take as many pictures as I should have! Every stage is so priceless and precious. I didn't get it when people were telling me to take lots of photos and how they had forgotten the baby stage and what their kids were like as babies.

I completely understand now.

In fact I think I have come closer to understanding many things that I brushed aside as soppy parental sentimentality.
Being a mom has taken me closer to the miracle that we all are. In fact I am standing in the epicenter most days liable to cry my eyes out over this little girl and the changes she goes through every day.

"I'm go-ing through change-eh-eh-es."

Aren't we all?

1 comment:

  1. Oscar couldn't stop saying how cute Juniper is. He kept saying "Hi Juniper" to the screen. I think he is in love.
