Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome Autumnal Equinox!

Happy Fall to Each and All!

But let's cut to the chase shall we? I've been neglecting my duties here at Growing the Future to show you all (Grandmas!) just how the future is indeed growing.

Juniper and I have been spending a lot of time in the park hanging out under the trees and enjoying some of the last beautiful summer days.

Here are some pics to prove it!

We've been back in Brooklyn two weeks this Thursday and these photos were taken by Tristan on the Sunday after our return. She, Seth and Kellan came over to Williamsburg to meet Juniper. We sat in McCarren park and ate sandwiches and watched the world go by. It was a stunning day.

Here are some that I snapped...

She had a bit of a rash so I was letting her go pants free! I found out that coconut oil is amazing at clearing up diaper rash.

Coconut oil is antimicrobial and antibacterial so it's very good for all kinds of skin conditions. Not only that but when eaten it boosts your immune system. Coconut oil is abundant in Lauric acid and so is breastmilk and Lauric acid is known to have really potent anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. When mamas eat coconut oil (or just coconut in general) Lauric acid increases in the mother's breastmilk. Mamas can then pass on their super immune boosted breastmilk to their babies. So eat some coconut!

I'm getting tired now and it's past my bedtime, but here are a few more snaps...

Isn't she cute in the hoodie that Stacy and Nick got her?

How about this farm onesie from Fork !?

The farm onesie has little tractors on it so I had to dress her in it when Andrew's tractor was delivered. Pretty nice huh?
And here she is on her very first car ride. We were on our way to our last appointment with the midwives. (tears!) She was very alert and stayed awake most of the time looking out the window. It was my first car ride since she was born so we were both really excited about getting out of the house and seeing the sights!

Could she be any more precious? The answer is no, she couldn't. Here she is with her new handmade elf doll that our friend, and one of Andrew's Permaculture students, Nor got for her. It is made in the Waldorf tradition and is stuffed with wool and is just gorgeous.

Isn't she a peach?

Here's to the changing of the seasons and to change in general! I am anticipating the cold weather and getting to dress Juniper in fuzzy snowsuits and hats and mittens and warm things. I can't wait to see what she thinks of the snow and winter in general. I so look forward to celebrating the changing of the seasons with her and am working on ways to celebrate the passing of time that will be special to our family. I have always wanted to do this for myself but never really got around to being disciplined about the rituals of holidays. Now that I have a child there is much inspiration! To have this little bright ray of light as my daughter is such a gift in this world. I want to celebrate every day!


1 comment:

  1. St. Michaelmas is a great start for the fall season. The little light that guides us to safety. Also Advent is pretty cool with the stories of St. Nicholas. Oscar loves to sing all the songs that go with these celebrations. By the way you both look amazing.
