Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy 9 Months on Earth Juni-Junebug!

This just might be the best photo that anyone has ever taken EVER!

Ok you people out there with your own babies, I can hear you, "Pishaw! As if!"
If you've got a cute photo to share please send it in!

Thank you Sueann Harkey for your camera ready eye and able finger reflex. You've captured the shining glow of this moment in childhood.

Here is another that she shot that same lovely day in Brooklyn at the park.

I look like such a mom here! My body has softened since pregnancy and that's a good thing! I'm sure it's much nicer for a baby to cuddle up to a mama with a little padding just the same way it is so dreamy to squeeze a little babe that is so tender and succulent! Speaking of succulent, Sueann came to stay with us for a few days upstate and I told her that she needed to squeeze Juniper's little hands and arms. Sueann squealed with delight and told June that she felt just like an aloe vera plant. "My little aloe vera!" she would say. So sweet.

June is really warming up to strangers lately. She is very curious about all the people coming and going around her and has been charming nearly everyone! Today we had to take the car in to get it inspected (The only way I remember to do this is by getting a ticket!) and all the guys in the shop were all, "Oh if only they would stay that small! Next thing you know they ask you for a $100 for gas (uh-what???). Oh she is so cute!!!"

We went to a little cafe to wait while the car was worked on and we had some orange juice and lots of drinks of water and I had a cappuccino and some baked eggs. Juniper didn't really want to eat anything. She did have a sip of orange juice and I think that she thought that it was water so she took a big gulp. Wow! Was she ever surprised! Such a puckered face she made that the waitress was cracking up. She charmed the waitress so much that she asked if she could take June's photo to remember how beautiful she is. June obliged and hammed it up for the kind woman. She remarked how content she seems and how present the gaze of her eyes is. I concur!

I love taking June out in the city with nothing but the ergo (she seems too big for moby wrap but it's probably my ineptitude!) to carry her in. No stroller, no bottles, no toys. Just she and I. We sat in the corner of the cafe and there were windows behind us stretching from the bench seats all the way to the ceiling. She sat in her little glass corner and watched the bustle of the Lower East Side morning activity, patting her little chubby hands on the glass and smiling. I just watched her taking it all in, both of us so thoroughly engrossed with observing. So many faces would light up when they saw her and then look at me and smile. I have found having a baby that people who would normally keep to themselves often talk to me for no other reason than to wish me a nice day or to comment on something that June is doing. It's so comforting to feel their warmth! If they come closer to smile at her or talk to her I try not to get involved and let her have her own experience.

It's so fulfilling to be raising this little girl! Everyday I am floored by her cognizance and ability. In fact while we were at the cafe I took her to potty twice and she peed both times in the toilet! In total we had been gone from the house over two hours and she was in the same diaper and dry as a bone! How nice for her huh? Who wants to sit it a wet clammy diaper? When people find out that I am taking her to the potty they will often comment that she must be really advanced. I don't think that that is it at all! If anyone deserves the credit for being advanced here it surely is me! Ha! Just kidding. But really, I'm the one who has taken the time out to learn and pay attention to her cues and communications for needing to go potty. Sometimes I can be as thick as a board missing obvious cues like her going from being calm to all of a sudden yelling and being super rowdy. This means, "I've gotta go potty NOW!!!" But most of the time we are in sync.

Another thing that people comment on is how Juniper drinks water from a glass. "Oh wow!", they'll say, "She knows how to drink from a glass and not a sippy cup!"

I never had a sippy cup! I personally don't see the need to buy a sippy cup (or about 1,000,000 other toxic plastic items that are headed for the landfill or the giant vortex in the middle of the ocean).
What's the big deal with babies drinking from a glass? Is it that someone will have to be there to offer them a drink? I give her a drink when I'm thirsty figuring that she must be thirsty was well. Only makes sense right? We have fabricated so many things to keep us separated from our children under the guise (or ruse) of nurturing their individuality.

I'm part of a Brooklyn online mom's group and one of the posts was from a mom all distraught about her baby not wanting to drink from a sippy cup. Oh the gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands that this child didn't want to drink from the ultimate childhood accessory: the sippy cup! She finally put apple juice in it and she said the child was hooked! Likened it to crack even.
Okayyyyy...... *click*(closing computer to go and offer June a drink).

Babies don't need juice. It will rot their little teeth and will possibly ruin them for water.

I like my blog because I can say whatever I want!

Until next time!

Lots of Juniper LOVE


  1. Great post, Drieky!!
    Love that she is peeing in a potty! Wow.
    Augie is totally hooked on pooping in his pants.
    I hear you on the sippy cup thing. I see kids walking around with them like its a 40 or something. He got the hang of drinking from a cup pretty early though. Just mimicking those around him at the dinner table. Big deal, people.

  2. Thanks Sheila!
    You know that 40 comment makes me want to get June a sippy cup and wrap a paper bag around it!
    The ultimate in hipster irony!
    Get you brown bagged sippy cup today!
