Monday, July 27, 2009

Photo Shoot with Juniper

Juniper, I can hardly believe you are my baby. Your daddy and I look at each other and then at you and are speechless, incredulous that you are here with us.

You are so damn cute! And you have the sweetest personality. You are really starting to make more sounds now and interact even more as you grow bigger and bigger.

The midwives are calling my milk haagen-daaz (um actually I prefer Ronnybrook ) because of how fast you gained back your birth weight. They say you're not a small baby anymore and that you are well on your way and out of any danger that being a small baby can bring.

You have this cute little toe that wants to do its own thing. I just want to nibble on it all day and in fact that's what I couldn't wait for: for you to be born so that I could nibble on you and smell you and feel your warmth. mmmmmmmmm

We love you little Juni, June Bug, Juneberry, Juniper. You are one special baby.

P.S. The quilt in these shots was made by the wildly talented Amber Gayle. Isn't it gorgeous?


  1. ohhhh!
    She is just AMAZING!
    So beautiful and full of life, just like you.
    Isn't it just the strangest thing to think this is a place you may never go, but then, you are swinging and tumbling head over heals to this truely magical realm.
    The intensity of it can sometimes feel so overwhelming, but then you look in their eyes and be at peace.
    hugs and kisses for all of you!

  2. Dreiky,

    Congratulations on your beautiful new family member! That photo of her toes just killed me.


  3. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you both!


  4. Oh my goodness!!! What an expressive and beautiful face she has.
    Tell her I say Hi and that I cant wait to meet her.
    Love you Dreiky,
