Sunday, July 26, 2009

Small but Mighty!

We welcome you Juniper Amie Faust!
Born at home in Ellenville, NY July 15th 9:34pm
The frogs were croaking when you stepped into our dimension...

We'll I've started about three other posts and haven't gotten them up for one reason or another (hmmm what praytell could that reason be???) I was trying to post some videos of little Juniper but they were taking forever to load and the whole process was deeply unsatisfying! So I decided to just post some photos and get back to recapping my labor experience and also our trials and tribulations within the medicaid establishment at a later date.

On with the show!

Most of you don't know, but Juniper was born weighing 5 pounds and 2 ounces and was 18 inches long. No one knows why she didn't grow bigger. My midwives think that maybe the two fibroids that I never knew I had but then grew during my pregnancy might have interrupted her flow of nutrition. We went for an ultrasound on the 10th of July to make sure that the placenta was cool and that she was getting good blood flow because of her small size and past ultrasound history (more about that later). The doctor alarmingly told us that she needed to be induced that day because she was so small. Our midwives called us as we were somberly making our way to the car and said that of course the doctor wanted to induce me. That's what doctors do! But an induction is exactally what NOT to do to a small baby. Way too much stress and it could/would have led to a C-section. They said that they just wanted to make sure that the placenta was in good shape and that blood was flowing well and that she looks healthy. They really reassured us that they knew she was going to be small and they just wanted to make sure that she would be able to have the blood flow and oxygen she needed during labor. She may be small but she's mighty! That's what I tell her. She packs a punch that's for sure.

Here we are 9 minutes after her birth staring at her totally stunned and in shock and in love. Her umbilical cord was really short which my midwives said was yet another important reason why she was NOT induced. I love those amazing, earth moving, baby birthing, life changing and world saving midwives of ours!

Here she is all wrapped up in double wool after a scare we had with her staying asleep for way too long.

When she was just a day and a half old, and after feeding quite well on my colostrum, she wouldn't wake up and had to be fed milk by dropper that I expressed by hand. Only then she had the energy to latch on and feed. This lasted a day and a half and by the time my mom, Grandma, came to visit (I can't believe that I don't have a single photo of the two of them!!!) she was nursing like a champ. So much so that she has surpassed her birth weight (weighing in today at 5 pounds 4 ounces!) well within the 2 week time frame that newborns are given to gain their weight back. Breaking all the rules Juniper!

Here's a shot of her getting weighed.
Sack of potatoes or baby??? It's a baby silly.

Here she is the day after my milk came in. She is two and a half days old. Can you see that cute dimple? It's actually a double dimple. The other side has the usual single style that both Andrew and I have.

I am counting my blessings and I am one of the blessed, yes it's true, because everyday I get to wake up to this (sound of heart shattering into a million million pieces).

Stick 'em up!

My little bebe you own me, heart and soul.

I'll sign off with this one of daddy and Juniper. Andrew got back from three days away in the city to teach the first session of our PDC and troubleshoot a water catchment system that he built for a community garden. I was really feeling the postpartum emotions (WOW!) and couldn't wait for him to be back home in our little nest. Besides thinking that unbearable things might happen to him I was bawling about bad boyfriends that she might have and even though I would laugh about the thoughts I was having the tears would just come pouring out. I had to put cucumbers on my eyes one night at 4am because they were swelling from above and below. Lovely!

Well as long as I can still gaze upon my babe I'm doing just fine!


  1. I'm so happy you get to experience all of these wonderful emotions and that you finally have your sweet blessing - your little Juniper - here in the world safe and sound.

  2. when they have there hands up like that when they sleep means that they are healthy, like a growing plant. she is beautiful!
